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Each colour has its unique appeal, especially when it comes to gem-studded jewellery.

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Sometimes, red seems to be too deep and white seems to be pale in sight. Standing between them, pink seems to be just right.

With hues ranging from bold to subtle, pink can be demure, pretty, and playful, all the same time.

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That is probably the reason why the delicate and pink-hued rose quartz never fails to draw attention. No wonder, it is one of the most popular semi-precious gemstones among the community of jewellery lovers.

Rose quartz earrings, rings, and pendants are increasing in popularity these days. Here is a complete guide about this charming gemstone. Rose quartz is a sought-after member of the quartz family.

This variety of quartz is translucent in nature. It can be cloudy, grainy, or hazy in appearance. The stone owes its colour to the presence of tiny amounts of manganese, iron, and titanium in the mineral composition.

With a score of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, it is a fairly hard stone.

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Due to its alluring colours and hardness, it is used both as a gemstone and as an ornamental stone. Rose quartz is regarded as a soothing gemstone that promotes love, warmth, and emotional healing.

That is why it is also known as the Heart Stone or the Love Stone.

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Rose quartz gets its name from its lovely pink shades and from the Greek word hyalos, meaning glass. The gemstone has a long history of being used for crafting jewellery and other art objects.

Perhaps it was the Assyrians and the Romans who were the first to use the rose quartz rock around BC. Did you know that the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians believed that this stone had magical powers?

For this reason, the stone was used by them as protective talismans. The Egyptians made use of this stone as an anti-aging remedy. It was used by the Romans as a seal to indicate ownership.

In the Middle Ages, the stone found use in the healing potions of medical practitioners. A prominent feature of rose quartz is that the stone does not develop crystal faces or crystals.

But since it is composed of several inter-grown crystal sub-individuals, it is of a non-cryptocrystalline variety. Interestingly, a rare variety of pink quartz or crystalline rose quartz exists in nature.

It is quite different from the abundant rose quartz variety.

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This variety is known to form crystals. The crystals are sensitive to light and subject to fading.

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Star rose quartz is another variety of this stone. Rose quartz is the birthstone for January.

It can be cloudy, grainy, or hazy in appearance. Rings For Women Cheap Sale Online Store The rose gold will wear off and eventually the yellow gold too.

When it comes to jewellery or emotional healing, rose quartz is a much-preferred gemstone. However, inferior and fake stones are often sold in place of the genuine gemstone.

If you want to prevent getting conned while buying this gemstone, you must learn how to identify a real rose quartz from a fake one.

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Real rose quartz often lacks good transparency. Due to their hardness, they can easily scratch a steel file.

History of Rose Quartz Rose quartz gets its name from its lovely pink shades and from the Greek word hyalos, meaning glass. Buy rose gold ring pink amethyst gem Morganites have become one of the most in demand gemstones when it comes to jewelry.

When you are testing crystalline rose quartz, remember that the colour will fade if exposed to light. Also, since this variety is found very rarely found, do not expect to see it at most jewellery stores.

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Often, coloured glass is also sold in the place of quartz. If you suspect this, check out for bubbles in the stone. The presence of bubbles in the stone proves that it is not real quartz crystal.

The soft translucence and the pink hues of this gemstone hold great appeal for gem and jewellery enthusiasts. When made in white gold or rose gold, its pink hue becomes all the more appealing.

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You can wear this semi-precious stone in the form of a bracelet, pendant, rings, etc. When buying rose quartz jewellery, you should consider the following factors:.

Colour: One of the most attractive features of the rose quartz is its delicate pink colour. You can buy this gemstone in various shades of pink, starting from very pale hues to medium-deep shades.

This stone is generally evenly coloured. The price of the gemstone usually depends on how appealing the colour is. Clarity: More often than not, this gemstone possesses a cloudy look.

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Since this gemstone is usually not transparent, its clarity is not great. But lesser the inclusions and better the clarity, finer is the quality of the stone.

15.01.2020 – Shop Cabochon Gems. Amethyst Rings. The stone ranks at 6. Colour: One of the most attractive features of the rose quartz is its delicate pink colour.

Cut: This is one gemstone that is often marketed as tumbled stones due to its cloudy look. Some rose quartz pieces display asterism star-like effect when it is cut as a cabochon.

A rock quartz piece displaying asterism will cost you more than the regular pieces of the gemstone. The gemstone rock is often cut as cabochon to make pendants, earrings, rings, and other trinkets.

They are also fashioned into beads.

Back to top. Here are a few tips to help you look after your jewellery: Even though rose quartz is pretty tough, it can get scratched by harder stones like diamonds and topaz. Buy rose gold ring pink amethyst gem Great variety of gemstones and a very well organized website.

Since the colour rose is often associated with romantic love, you can also find jewellery featuring rose quartz cut in the heart shape.

This is because density may differ from one stone to another. When buying polished rose quartz jewellery, take into consideration the colour, clarity, and the style aspect to determine if the trinket seems worth the price.

If you are looking to buy rose quartz as decorative pieces, the price will vary with the size. The larger pieces of this gemstone display intense colour and cost more than the smaller pieces.

If you are to maintain the beauty of your rose quartz jewellery, you have to look after them regularly. Here are a few tips to help you look after your jewellery:.

Rose quartz is a lovely gemstone that can add a dash of colour to your persona and attire.

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By following our guidelines, you can make an informed decision when buying rose quartz jewellery and maintain them as well.

Home Gemstone Guide Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz Each colour has its unique appeal, especially when it comes to gem-studded jewellery. Overview Rose quartz is a sought-after member of the quartz family.

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History of Rose Quartz Rose quartz gets its name from its lovely pink shades and from the Greek word hyalos, meaning glass. Types of Rose Quartz A prominent feature of rose quartz is that the stone does not develop crystal faces or crystals.

Birthstones and Anniversary Stones Rose quartz is the birthstone for January. Real Rose Quartz vs Fake Rose Quartz When it comes to jewellery or emotional healing, rose quartz is a much-preferred gemstone.

How to Buy Rose Quartz Jewellery? When buying rose quartz jewellery, you should consider the following factors: Colour: One of the most attractive features of the rose quartz is its delicate pink colour.

Here are a few tips to help you look after your jewellery: Even though rose quartz is pretty tough, it can get scratched by harder stones like diamonds and topaz.

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It is best to store your rose quartz jewellery in a separate fabric-lined box where the risk of such damage is reduced. You can use warm, soapy water to clean your rose quartz.

It is not a good idea to use ultrasonic and steam cleaners for cleaning this gemstone. If you have rose quartz necklaces, bangles, earrings or rings crafted from gold or sterling silver, you can dip them in a cleaning solution to remove tarnish without impacting the stone.

Use a soft cloth to wipe off your jewellery.

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